Packing List

If you think our packing list is overkill - you’re right, but it works for us (and my anxiety). There is no item too common, too big, or too small that I’ll feel safe assuming is finding its way into the truck - everything goes on the packing list, everything gets checked off, everyone knows the rules.

As much as it pains me to say it, the Army might have influenced us a little bit here, we both need a layout, before the layout, and then another physical check as it goes into the truck. We’ve found that having a thorough packing list allows us to work in small chunks in the weeks leading up to our departure for bigger trips and helps keep stress levels low.

The base document for our packing list is a massive Excel spreadsheet that I can filter by activity and use to help build the perfect packing list, based on the needs of each trip. I deal with the stress and planning on the front end, so I can turn my brain off and enjoy the trip as soon as we hit the road. Enjoy our (almost) exhaustive packing list below and let it inspire your own!


Camp Eats: Prep & Store


Off Road Bike Rack